My name is Sarah Collins I am a CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service – Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust) Thrive Practitioner for Melksham Oak Community School; I am a Registered Mental Health Nurse with specialist training and experience of Child & Adolescent Mental Health.

What is thrive?

My role sits within the Wellbeing Team of CAMHS as part of early mental health intervention. There is a small team of practitioners across Wiltshire Secondary Schools and Colleges that work in the education setting to promote emotionally healthy environments.

My role involves value adding to the existing support available within the school; so, this can include providing brief intervention to students; small group work, regular drop-ins to students; staff consultation and training. This all contributes to creating a culture where emotional and mental health needs are understood and supported in a timely and appropriate manner.

Students can access support either via the three drop-in sessions which are on a Monday (times below) or via the student welfare team, of whom I am working closely with; they can refer to me.

Upon meeting a student, I will be talking to them about what is going on and asking them what they feel they need help with, this will help create a picture as to whether they do have mental health need/s and what support could be helpful in improving their mental health and emotional resilience. Types of outcomes from the initial session could be the offer of a brief intervention piece of work; group work; signposting to other agencies or a referral into CAMHS (which would be discussed with parents/guardians).

Drop-ins: Monday

  • 10:15-10:35
  • 13:05-13:35
  • 14:50-15:30

You can contact the Student Welfare Team: [email protected]